Site terms of use

This site is operated by Faber Company Co., Ltd.

1. About copyright

The copyrights of individual texts, photographs, videos, music, sounds, and other copyrighted materials (hereinafter referred to as "contents") posted on this site belong to the Company or other right holders. Except for the purpose of personal use or other cases permitted by copyright law, acts such as reproduction, public transmission, modification, excision, reprinting, etc. of content without obtaining the permission of our company or other rights holders are prohibited. It is prohibited by copyright law, so please contact us in advance and obtain permission.

2. Trademarks

The rights to individual trademarks, logo marks, and trade names posted on this site belong to the Company or individual rights owners. Except as permitted by the Trademark Law and other laws, the act of using these without obtaining the permission of the Company is prohibited by the Trademark Law, etc., so please contact the Company in advance to obtain permission. Please.

3. Access log collection and its use

This site collects and analyzes access logs of users using programs provided by third parties such as Google Analytics, advertisement distributors, and marketing automation companies. These services use cookies to collect access logs without identifying or specifying individuals, and are managed based on the privacy policy of each service. These access logs are used to improve user convenience and are not used for any other purpose. It is possible to refuse to accept cookies by setting the Internet browsing software (browser).

4. About the links

The following links to this site, or links that may link to them, are prohibited. We may ask you to remove the links below.

  • Links from sites or pages that slander our company, its affiliated companies, their officers or employees
  • Misidentifying that you have some kind of alliance or cooperative relationship with our company, or our company is the link source Links that mislead you into thinking that you are acknowledging or directing the site of
  • Other links that our company deems inappropriate

5. About plugins

The following plug-ins are required to view some content on this site. If you download a plug-in from a website linked from this site, please follow the terms of use of the software. In addition, we do not take any responsibility for downloading and using the software.